Monday, March 29, 2010

2001 A Space Odyssey

In all honesty, I have to admit, that this 1968 motion picture by Stanley Kubrick was quite the bore. To me, compared to all of his other exceptional pieces, this motion picture was lifeless, unexciting and quite dull to a certain extent. If I were to differentiate this movie to a piece of bread I would describe it as very stale. There are very few movies that I will actually fall asleep to, and i'm sorry Stanley, but I found it particularly hard to keep myself from dozing off. However, don't get me wrong, Kubrick's cinematic version of Arthur C. Clarke's monumental novel will always stand in film history as one of the first real space movies every made. Kubrick's excellence and intelligent work that has been captured in 2001 will be eternally recognized by all movie lovers, although, there is still the group that thinks the 139 minute long movie feels like 931. It took my oldest cousin 4 times to actually understand and grasp onto the key concepts and themes of the movie. I have yet to understand it and have watched it twice. I mean, was the 20 minute long ape fight at the start of the film really necessary. It just reminded me of a useless youtube video. At this point in time the apes are ruling the planet, simply in search for enough food in order to survive. When the apes are confronted with a towering black mammoth, they begin to learn to use tools, not only for food but for fighting as well. I am not entirely sure if it was the science-fiction vibe that Kubrick intended to give off through out this film but I don't think I ever will be able to enjoy the film. I do, nonetheless, appreciate it because it is a tremendous piece of art made thoroughly by one of the best film makers of all time.

I'll give this bore of a masterpiece ....☆☆

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